Thursday, March 22, 2007

100 things

In keeping with today's high school theme:

9. My high school vice-principal got arrested for drunk driving less than a week before I graduated. This was just after she gave the senior class a speech about how we shouldn't do anything stupid to endanger our chances of graduating. One of my friends really disliked her and stood at the front door announcing it the next morning. I can't remember if she showed for the graduation ceremony or not, but she apparently gave an apology speech to the rest of the school on the last day. She's now the principal. (really)

10. I had the world's best high school job. My best friend and I worked at the front desk of our local downtown YMCA after school a few days a week. We were eventually banned from working together, but there were a lot of fun people who worked there. We also got to know the neighborhood crazies, like Jimmy, who called everyone "the money lady" and wouldn't let up until you acknowledged that, yes, you were the money lady and you got the money. Good times.

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